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Best Oils For Low Porosity Hair

Best Oils For Low Porosity Hair

If it has ever happened to you that when you apply a product on your hair it is not absorbed, even after hours with it or that when you bathe your hair takes longer than usual to get wet and then takes even longer to dry, without any explanation, your hair likely has a low level of porosity, and you don’t know it. But don’t worry, it’s not a big deal, just keep reading, here we will explain everything you need to identify it and take care of it properly.


At first, you should know, what is porosity? Which is quite simple to understand. Porosity is the ability of our hair to absorb and maintain moisture. In other words, it is the ability of our hair strands, more specifically the hair cuticle, to allow moisture or the moisturizing product you apply to enter and not leave the hair.

This capacity is genetically established, however, it can vary according to the products you use throughout your life, making your hair oscillate between three types of porosity, which would be: high porosity, medium porosity, and low porosity. The latter being the one that causes you to be unable to get the perfect hydration you desire, which is what we will focus on today.

What Is Low Porosity Hair?

Once we know what the word porosity refers to, we can go on to identify low porosity. Which is nothing more than the characteristic of hair that finds it more difficult to assimilate moisture, oil, and moisturizing and hydrating products applied to it.

Low porosity in the hair is caused internally by the excessive binding of the cuticle, which causes the pore spaces to be smaller, and the entry of any product, water, or moisture is practically null in most cases.

Recognizing hair with low porosity, although it may seem simple, can often be confusing in the process. Because unlike what you might think, if you do not have knowledge or control of the attitude of your hair against certain elements we can get to qualify it in a bad category.

How Do You Know If your Hair Has Low Porosity?

To be sure at the time of qualifying your hair in a porosity level, whether high, medium, or low in this case, you can do a very simple test known as the “float test”, which will take no more than 5 minutes, a couple of hairs and a glass of water.

Steps of the float test:

1. First make sure you wash your hair thoroughly to remove any products, creams, dirt, or chemicals it may have acquired.
2. Then take a couple of hairs that are left in your brush or comb after detangling. It is necessary that the hairs still have the root, that is to say, a small white spot on one of their ends.
3. Once you have them, put room temperature water in a glass and put your hair strands in it.
4. Wait for 2 to 4 minutes and watch the hairs move in the water to get your result.




What Type Of Product To Use For The Low Porosity Of Your Hair?

After confirming the type of porosity of your hair, and having understood why many times your hair didn’t look so moisturized even after using many products, surely the next thing you think is, what should I use to moisturize my hair then? The answer is simple. You should use mainly oils, but not just any kind, they should be light oils that have great penetrating power, that are gentle on your hair, and that don’t just coat the outside of your hair.

This is because even if the proteins and natural ingredients in the oils are very good, if they are heavy oils, because of their composition and density they will not get through your cuticle. And will end up overloading and greasing both your hair and your scalp in a bad way, without providing any nourishment or protection.

Therefore, we recommend you stay away from oils such as:

● Regular coconut oil
● Extra virgin coconut oil
● Olive oil
● Castor oil

The 10 Best Light Oils For Your Low Porosity

Now that you know which heavy oils are not flattering for you and which ones specifically to avoid, it’s time to move on to which light oils are best for your low porosity and what each one does for your hair. Here are our recommendations!

● Argan oil:

Argan oil, also known as liquid gold, comes from the extract of the seeds of the Argan tree, which grows in southwestern Morocco. It not only brings many benefits to the skin but is also the main ingredient for hair care.

Argan oil provides softness and shine, so it is considered an ideal conditioner to maintain silkiness at all times and to show off a healthy mane. Its nourishing properties make hair more manageable and healthier, both inside and out.

It reduces dryness and provides maximum hydration, so its antioxidant active ingredients make it a perfect anti-aging product. It is ideal for repairing split and damaged ends. Not only that, but it moisturizes and restores health to the most damaged areas. Argan oil restores hydration and health to dry hair or, in this case, hair with a low level of porosity, thanks to its penetration capabilities and the subtlety of its components.


● Sweet almond oil:

Sweet almond oil is obtained from the dried fruit of the almond tree, after being cold-pressed, and is an elixir with multiple cosmetic uses. The use of almond oil for hair results in shinier, softer, and, most importantly, more nourished hair.

Due to fatty acids such as omega-3 in almond oil and its vitamins A, B and E, and magnesium, this species originating from the Middle East acts on the hair providing it with a shot of nutrition. In other words, almond oil is a great ally to combat the low porosity of your hair. And not only that, but it also helps to restore shine and leaves hair silky.

Also, as we said, almond oil contains high amounts of vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant that will help you make your hair strong, healthy (and nourished!) from the root, while making it grow quickly.


● Jojoba oil:

Jojoba oil as a hair product has a regulating function as the secretion of oil or sebum in the scalp preserves the hair’s ability to retain moisture. And being as light as the oils that our hair naturally creates, it is absorbed with an unimaginable speed that will provide you with all the nutrients you need.

Its characteristics give the hair a great nutritional value and its application strengthens the hair from root to tip, giving it a soft, shiny, and hydrated appearance, enhancing its color and optimizing its natural structure. It is also effective against hair loss, as long as the cause is originated or linked to the obstruction of the follicle by excess oil — which will be regulated with the oil. In this aspect, the advantages it presents are very similar to the benefits of hyaluronic acid.

And as an additional virtue, jojoba oil is non-toxic, therefore, its application will have no risk of allergies or the so-called “rebound effects”.


● Grapeseed oil:

As the name implies, this oil is obtained from the pressed seeds of grapes. It is one of the lightest oils available, which makes it the ideal choice for low porosity hair, as it does not weigh hair down at all.

Grapeseed oil is rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. It also contains manganese, iron, sulfur, and amino acids. Grapeseed oil helps you retain moisture in the strands, which is especially important for keeping low porosity hair healthy.

Plus, as a bonus point, this is a type of oil that you can use not only for your hair but also for your skin, easily a 2-in-1!


● Pomegranate oil:

Pomegranate oil comes from the fruit with the same name and is oil-rich in Punic acid, which helps revitalize and strengthen hair, making it strong, shiny, and healthy. The high content of antioxidants and vitamins helps increase blood flow and circulation to the scalp, helping to reduce flaking and itching of the scalp. Pomegranate oil is great for dandruff, hair dullness, dryness, and thinning hair.

It also helps reduce buildup on the scalp, an attribute that makes it ideal for low porosity hair, plus it’s non-greasy, protects hair from heat, and leaves hair smelling pleasant. A bargain!


Let’s take a break, is it too many oils to think about? Too many similar characteristics? Do you lose excitement while reading? Breathe and relax, this is not about stressing out and covering your hair with too many oils of all kinds, take it easy. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Ready? Let’s move on, here are the other five!

● Baobab oil:

Baobab oil is a lesser-known oil used in hair care products and treatments. Baobab oil is rich in vitamin E, which reduces damage to hair follicles caused by free radicals. It also contains vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, as well as omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids that help nourish the hair follicle and stimulate hair growth.

The high polyunsaturated fatty acid content in baobab seed oil means it can coat every strand of hair and help it retain moisture. This makes hair easier to detangle and style and helps reduce frizz as well as being wonderful at controlling low porosity. It also contains saturated fats that make hair softer and more elastic. It also helps your hair retain its natural oils without leaving any greasy residue.


● Apricot oil:

Like the previous oils, apricot kernel oil contains different vitamins, proteins, and acids that moisturize the hair, improve its image, make it healthier and much stronger. What makes this oil special, however, is its lightness and the speed with which even low-porosity hair can absorb it.

Apricot kernel oil could be the most efficient oil to use to improve your porosity since it not only has a fast absorption but also because of its characteristics it improves your moisture retention capacity and leaves your hair soft.


● Sunflower seed oil

One of the best known and indeed most efficient, sunflower oil gives your hair a deep moisturizing and extremely light oil, which you can also use as a deep conditioner. This is definitely one of the most complete oils on the whole list and like most of them, it is a 2 in 1, since you can use it on your skin to leave it soft and fresh.

Likewise, sunflower oil gives you softness and a healthy glow that you can pair with accelerated growth after you start using the product. Also, thanks to its Omega 6 content, your hair will be more elastic and any breakage or damage will be repaired.


● Avocado oil:

Just as famous and used as argan oil or sunflower seed oil, avocado, and avocado oil are some of the best options to moisturize and keep moisture inside your hair strands, even if your cuticle is extremely closed. With this oil, you don’t have to worry about excess oil on the outside of your hair or heaviness in your hair once you use the product and your strands get dirty.

Avocado oil will be one of the best choices you can make, and you will definitely notice the difference after the first few uses.


● Sesame oil:

Last but not least on this hard-working list is sesame oil, which you’ve probably heard mentioned when talking about food. It is multipurpose and offers itself to be an oil for your hair that you won’t want to let go of.

Sesame oil is highly functional for shiny, moisturized, zero frizz, and in this case-controlled porosity hair. The vitamins E and B they contain, along with minerals such as zinc, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium, demonstrate the oil’s ability to correct damage caused by chemicals and the sun’s rays. They also allow good blood circulation and stimulate your hair to achieve volume and a controlled level of oiliness.


Now that you have all the necessary information you are ready to deal with your hair from a new approach and give it the products it needs, add one or another of the above-mentioned oils in your daily life, and you will see the change faster than immediately, don’t wait any longer! Go for that healthy and beautiful hair you deserve!


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